Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just a reminder...............

Nothing we are going through can come anywhere close to what Jesus experienced in his life while on this earth.  The only difference is that He didn't have to  -  we do, though. 

Whatever you are going through, just remember.  Jesus knows.  Jesus cares.  Jesus loves you.  He proved it by giving His life for you.  He gave His life so you could have the same wonderful Father that He does.  His Father is your father, if you accept Jesus' free gift of salvation.  Call Daddy and tell Him what's wrong.  He will answer you and help you.

Jeremiah 33:3 (in my own words) says "Call me, and I'll answer you, and show you great and mighty things you don't know."  His line is never busy, and He won't put you on hold.  He'll take care of it.


  1. What sweet and inspiring words, Janice! We can "call Daddy" anytime, anywhere! To know that Jesus chose to go through what he did for us, helps when we are going through our difficulties. Thank you for your good words!!

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog! I am your newest follower! Oh and this scripture is the perfect reminder for me today that God knows exactly what I need. Blessings!

  3. Janice, A beautiful post! Maybe you should write a devotional book. :o) Smiles!
